Rules & Regulations - Waves Institute of Fashion Designing
- Students should ensure safe custody of their valuables.
- Students are not allowed to bring guests in the Class / Workshop for any reason what so ever.
- Any unhealthy relationship between students that might affect their academic performance, breach their personal space, or affect the reputation of the institution will be strictly dealt with.
- Students are prohibited from organizing or attending meetings in the institution, distributing notices, collecting money, and exhibiting banners, flags, posters etc. without the permission of the Principal / Director.
- Any expressions or activities which are immoral, anti-social, communal and anti-national are strictly prohibited in the institutional premises.
- Political / Organizational activities are banned within the institutional premises.
- Students must take proper care of all the institutional properties. Any damage done to the property of the institute is breach of discipline and will be considered as a punishable offence. In case it is found that they have caused any damage to the Institute's property they are required to reimburse or make good the damage caused. Any decision regarding the extent of their liability on such account shall be at the discretion of the Institute, which shall be final.
- Students must keep the institute neat and clean. Eatables / Beverages are not allowed inside the study areas and workshops.
- Photography / Video / Audio recording within the institutional premises is strictly prohibited. Video / Photography of programs in the institute shall be covered by the person officially authorized by the Principal / Director.
- Students must adhere to the Dress Code of the Institute. Students are expected to come to the college in neat, clean, and modest clothes. They must conform to the standards of modesty maintained by the institutions.
- Students with health issues, learning disabilities or any other minor / major illnesses should inform the concerned person of the institution prior to their admission.
- For the safety of our students, staff and visitors, the institute premises is under camera surveillance for security purposes. The footage may or may not be monitored all the time. Surveillance cameras will generally be utilized only in public areas where there is no “reasonable expectation of privacy.” Public areas include building entrances, corridors, parking lots and front offices.
- Parents / Guardians are reminded that they are not absolved of their responsibility in the education of their wards admitted to the institute. They should follow the students’ progress in studies and her general conduct in and outside the institute. Their co-operation is solicited especially to ensure regular attendance.
Attendance & Examination
- Academic research indicates that attending classes is strongly linked to academic success. Thus, students are expected to attend all classes, but they may have to miss some due to illness or emergencies. A minimum attendance rate of 75% is required.
- Students should be regular and punctual in attending the classes and all activities conducted by the institution. No student is allowed to enter the classroom or leave the classroom during class hours without the permission of the faculty in-charge. If, for unavoidable reasons, a leave is required, the information should be passed to the concerned person of the institute.
- Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence from institute, habitual late coming, leaving the premises without permission, disobedience and any type of unruly and objectionable behaviour are considered to be grave acts of indiscipline on the part of a student which can lead to their expulsion from the institute.
- Each working day including lecture classes, workshops, special classes as well as seminars shall be taken into consideration for the purpose of calculating attendance.
- Attendance will be taken at the beginning of the period. A student who is not in the class when attendance is taken will be marked absent. The faculty in-charge may at his / her discretion mark present a student coming late.
- A student is eligible to write the final / annual examination only when they have a minimum of 75% attendance in each subject.
- Students should not indulge in any kind of malpractice during examinations or tests.
Classroom / Workshop
- Classroom / Workshops follow certain safety and academic norms for their smooth functioning. Students are advised to keep themselves updated on those norms and follow them accordingly.
- While pursuing a course at the Institute, students will have to operate machines and tools carefully and observe all safety regulations and see that no damage is caused to self, others or to the Institute's property.
- Students may require to purchase tools, stationary items from time to time. Specific instructions in this regard will be given by the concerned department / faculty at the beginning of various modules.
Devices (Electronic & Other)
- Students are prohibited to use mobile phones or any other recording / data storing or transmitting devices within the institutional premises. A violation of this will be considered as an intention for piracy / theft. If any student is found using any such device, it will lead to a fine of Rupees 1000/-, such device will be confiscated and will be returned only at the end of the academic year. (Institute will not be responsible for any damage caused to the device while in custody).
Discipline, Conduct and Behaviour
- The Institute attaches great importance to discipline and the same must be strictly observed by all students. Students should be aware of the instructions issued to them from time to time orally or through Notices / Circulars / Official Communication Groups and E-mails.
- The behaviour of the students, both inside and outside the institutional premises should be decent and befitting to a professional institution.
- Students should not bring discredit to the institution or to themselves. Habitual negligence in work, dishonesty, obscenity in word or act or any other acts of misconduct will attract disciplinary action.
Fees & Other Payments
- The tuition fee should be paid on or before 10th of every month. Thereafter it can be paid with a fine of Rs. 100 for the first day and Rs. 20 each for the subsequent days. However, names of students who have not paid the monthly fee with fine before 15th of each month are liable to be struck off from the rolls. Such student will be readmitted only on payment of the entire dues along with readmission fee of Rs 1000/-. Absence from the institute with or without permission will not be accepted as an excuse for non-payment of tuition fees on the due dates.
- Students discontinuing studies from the Institute cannot claim any portion of the fees paid.
- All fees are payable by Cash / Account Transfer. Cheques are NOT accepted.
- The caution deposit is non-refundable if the student is expelled from the institute due to disciplinary reasons.
- The caution deposit is intended to cover any damage to institute’s property caused by the student during their tenure at the institute, and the institute may deduct such damages from the deposit. If the deposit is insufficient to cover the damages, the student will be responsible for paying the remaining amount.
- The caution deposit will be refunded within 30 days of the completion of the course or on receipt of the withdrawal application, whichever is earlier, provided that there are no outstanding fee payment, dues / fines or charges against the student.
- The institute reserves the right to forfeit the caution deposit in the event of any violation of the institute's rules and regulations by the student.
- In case the student fails to claim the caution deposit within 6 months after completion of the course, the institute shall forfeit the caution deposit, and the student shall have no claim over it.
- Students must park their vehicles only in the space allotted.
The rules and regulations of the institute are framed by the Principal / Director to ensure a peaceful campus atmosphere. Students are subjected to rules of conduct and behaviour framed by the authorities of the institute. The institute takes note of serious misbehaviour and irregular work habits or obscenity which is punishable by fine, suspension or dismissal. Matters not covered by the existing rules will be at the discretion of the Principal / Director. The Institute reserves the right to amend, modify and change the norms, rules & regulations from time to time. Full rights are reserved with the Principal / Director to take action against the students in case of violation of the above guidelines. In case of disputes, the decision of the Director / Principal of the Institute shall be treated as final and binding.
Version: 4.0
Last Updated On: Monday, 24 April 2023
Last Updated On: Monday, 24 April 2023
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