Rules & Regulations - Waves Institute of Fashion Designing


Attendance & Examination
Classroom / Workshop
Devices (Electronic & Other)
Discipline, Conduct and Behaviour
Fees & Other Payments
All students must pay a caution deposit at the time of admission, and the amount will be communicated to the student at the time of admission. This deposit is a one-time, refundable amount, and will be refunded to the student after completion of the course or upon withdrawal from the institute, subject to the terms and conditions specified below:
The rules and regulations of the institute are framed by the Principal / Director to ensure a peaceful campus atmosphere. Students are subjected to rules of conduct and behaviour framed by the authorities of the institute. The institute takes note of serious misbehaviour and irregular work habits or obscenity which is punishable by fine, suspension or dismissal.
Matters not covered by the existing rules will be at the discretion of the Principal / Director. The Institute reserves the right to amend, modify and change the norms, rules & regulations from time to time.
Full rights are reserved with the Principal / Director to take action against the students in case of violation of the above guidelines. In case of disputes, the decision of the Director / Principal of the Institute shall be treated as final and binding.
Version: 4.0
Last Updated On: Monday, 24 April 2023
Archived / Other Version(s):
Version 3
Version 2
Version 1
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" Playing dress-up begins at age five and never truly ends " ~ Kate Spade
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